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Monday, March 28, 2011


Here we are at the end of the month.  Sandie drove and I researched (as always) some caches 2 weeks ago.  We took the grandsons on our way to the movie Rango.  The movie was great the caching was mediocre. It's always strange caching during the Minnesota winter.  There are usually tracks in the snow straight to the cache.  Sandie and the boys had paths straight to the caches but even then they had one DNF. (did not find)  So we only added 2 caches to our total.  I had mentallly set a goal of reaching 500 by the end of the year.  We are around 420 now so 500 is a very managable number, but we'll have to kick it in gear.
We still have snow on the ground though by this time next week the snow in this part of the state should be mostly melted.  We need to do some cache maintenence this spring.  Some of our hides may be missing, others containers probably have some damage.  I think we have some containers as we are always on the lookout for objects that may make good caches.
I've been placating my frustrations at being homebound by trying to create some objects to sell at Zazzle.  My brain is at work more on the merchandise than my body is.  I wish I could work more but There just aren't enough hours in my workday.  MS leaves me short of energy so I spend more time thinking/dreaming than working.  The trouble is I forget so many ideas.   Anyway check out my designs at*. (please include the astrix) If I ever sell any I'll be shocked!! LOL

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We're back

Holy smokes I know it's been almost three yeares since I posted here.  A lot has happened.  Probably the biggest impact on Geocaching has been my contraction of MS.  It actually first reared it's ugly head while caching.  We had gone to a cache way off trai in the Minnesota river valley.   During that trip we had to walk out of the Valley and I could barely make it up hill,  My feet were dragging so.  We realized I could not lift my left foot very well.  After a battery of tests and 1 year later it was discovered I had MS.  I don't walk much anymore so most of our caching is done by my wife and two grandsons.
I'm so glad we have caching in our lives. It's a wonderful thing to share with our grandsons.  I know it's building memories for them.  We now have over 400 caches found and about a dozen hidden.More on everything later.